We should shut it down. Everyone of those congressmen & women should be recalled. We have been letting them get away with doing nothing for so long its like second nature to them the way they lie about trying to do something for us that just never seems to get done. We need a new political party that really speaks to our needs as Americans. We need a People's Party of America with people who actually have integrity, ethics and honor. We need people in office who are not bought and sold by the pharmaceutical companies and big business. Americans we need people in office who are loyal to us and not some other country. I don;t want to hear about another country, I don't want to see our government giving money or getting into another war that cost more money unless he is personally going to finance it. We have to be more demanding and strongly against anything that does not have to do with the stopping of the foreclosures, the jobs and healthcare issues.
So to get things started we are going to have to step up our game by recalling everyone of them and we have to talk to our neighbors, friends, co-workers, church members and pastors. Our country is in Afghanistan helping people build homes and get jobs.