Sunday, August 7, 2016


     I found something that hit me at my core.  Years ago I did a paper for a presentation on Victoria Woodhull in 2008 when Hillary was running for president.  We had to do something different on a topic no one would know about. So I did research on the first woman to run for president and I found Victoria ran in 1872.    “Victoria California Claflin was born September 23, 1838 in Homer, Ohio, to a down-on-its-luck family.   She was only 15 years old when she married for the first time to Canning Woodhull.    She was one of the most famous people in the country.  She advocated for the 8 hour work day, graduated income tax, social welfare programs and profit sharing.  Victoria was nominated for the U.S. presidency by the Equal Rights Party.  Her candidacy attracted an unusual coalition of people which included laborers, female suffragists, Spiritualists and communists among others.  The members of the coalition represented diverse and often conflicting opinions.  The one thing that they all agreed upon was that the government needed reform.  They wanted a government “of the people, by the people and for the people.  They wanted a government with principles.  Not only did the Equal Rights Party nominate the first female presidential candidate, they were also the first to nominate a Black man Frederick Douglass, for Vice President.”  Frederick Douglass was an abolitionist, he fought for the right for women to vote and he saw the deep contradictions of race that are still plaguing this country today.   (Who is Victoria Woodhull)
       When Jill Stein announced Ajamu Baraka, a Human Rights Activist, as her Vice President I screamed because I know him and could not believe it. It also reminded me of the only other woman who had the nerve in her era to do the same thing Victoria Woodhull and they are still fighting the same fight in 2016. This is so symbolic and sad at the same time, however I am still excited because unlike in Victoria's Era we are in the age of Aquarius where we are working with people of all races & nationalities and orientations like Victoria who are coming together and saying "he ain't heavy, he's my brother."
Victoria said, “All well-informed persons, know that the people have nothing to do with present legislation; know that it is capital--wealth--in one form or another, that controls not only the law-making, but the law-executing power, as well. The people no longer require rings, lobbies and cliques to attend to their business, and in adopting the referendum as one of the demanded reforms they propose to wipe them out of existence." (Victoria Woodhull Speaks Across the Centuries)
      Before Bill Clinton left office all the of Southern States were under Federal Rule because they did not know how to treat their Afrikan American citizenry. When Bill Clinton left office he gave all those southern states their states rights back. Those state legislators were working with ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) and now could now create new legislation like defunding the public schools all over the country in Afrikan American and Latino communities. The Stand Your Ground Law was created so they could legally kill Blace people and be home for dinner. Relaxing Regulations on Fracking and other Environmental Assaults. They created very stringent Voter ID Laws affecting people of color all through the South the rest of the country and in 2009 the ZERO Tolerance for schools as a result of Columbine which they used as the School to Prison Pipeline.   
         "ALEC was founded in 1973 in Chicago as the "Conservative Caucus of State Legislators", a project initiated by Mark Rhoads, an Illinois state house staffer, to counter the Environmental Protection Agency, wage and price controls, and the defeat of Barry Goldwater in the1964 presidential election.[18][19] Conservative legislators felt the word "conservative" was unpopular with the public at the time, however, so the organization was renamed as the American Legislative Exchange Council.[18] In 1975, with the support of the American Conservative Union, ALEC registered as a federal nonprofit agency.[20][21] Bill Moyers and Greenpeace have attributed the establishment of ALEC to the influential Powell Memorandum, which led to the rise of a new business activist movement in the 1970s."[22][23]
"A new educational system in which all children born shall have the same advantage of physical, industrial, mental and moral culture, and thus be equally prepared at maturity to enter upon active, responsible and useful lives. . . . In so doing, it strikes a fatal blow at . . . the most demoralizing of all monopolies. . . educational superiority." Our public education system leaves our children ill-equipped to cope with modern work-life and doesn't help those with social problems at home or in school. Our educational system needs a complete overhaul to help every child reach his or her full potential. We should have free college education for those who could otherwise not afford to go. Education is our nation's greatest defense against poverty." Victoria Woodhull
   . Here in the Philadelphia School District until our Police Commissioner stopped it, the teachers were calling the police on our children for: failure to participate in class/unpreparedness, truancy/excessive tardiness/cutting class, dress code violation, possession of beeper/pager/cell phones/other electronic devices, failure to carry hall pass/appropriate ID/verbal altercations. Our police commissioner in the Spring of 2014 sent them a letter with a New Directive, not to call the police for the above issues because they were class management issues. How can our children learn in an environment where 75-80% of the teachers in this country are white and a lot of them are fearful of our children and are actively participating in the School to prison pipeline in 2016?
Revitalize Public Education Green Party Platform
Equalize School Funding with Federal Revenue Sharing:
Class Size Reduction:
Preschool Programs:
After School Programs:
Children's Health:
Improve Teacher Training and Pay:
Multicultural Teaching Staffs:
Tuition-Free Higher Education:
Oppose the Privatization of Public Schools:
No School Vouchers: No school vouchers from public budgets for private schools.
No For-Profit or Religious Charter Schools: Seachers, and segregated student bodies.
No Commercialization:
No High-Stakes Testing:
Curriculum for a Multicultural Participatory Democracy:
Support Bilingual Education:
"A complete reform in Executive and Departmental conduct, by which the President and the Secretaries of the United States, and the Governors and State officers, shall be forced to recognize that they are the servants of the people, appointed to attend to the business of the people, and not for the purpose of perpetuating their official positions, or of securing the plunder of public trusts for the enrichment of their political adherents and supporters." Victoria Woodhull
ALEC was co-founded by conservative activist Paul Weyrich, who also co-founded the Heritage Foundation.[17][18] Henry Hyde, who later became a U.S. congressman, and Lou Barnett, who later became national political director of Ronald Reagan's Political Action Committee, also helped to found ALEC.[1] Early members included a number of state and local politicians who went on to statewide office, including Bob Kasten, Tommy Thompson, and Scott Walker of Wisconsin, John Engler of Michigan, Terry Branstad of Iowa, Mitch Daniels of Indiana, and John Boehner and John Kasich of Ohio.[1][24] Several members of Congress also were involved in the organization during its early years, including Rep. Jack Kemp of New York, Sen. Jesse Helms of North Carolina, Sen. James L. Buckley of New York, Rep. Phil Craneof Illinois, and Rep Eric Cantor of Virginia.[1][24][25]
Economic Democracy Green Platform
Eliminate Corporate Personhood:
End Corporate Limited Liability:
Federal Chartering of Interstate Corporations
Periodic Review of Corporate Charters:
Democratic Production:
Workplace Democracy:
Worker Control of Worker Assets-Pension Funds and ESOP Shares:
Democratic Conversion of Big Business:
Democratic Conversion of Small and Medium Business:
Democratic Banking:
Democratize Monetary Policy and the Federal Reserve System:
      "A complete reform in our system of internal improvements, which connect and bind together the several states in a commercial unity, to the end that they shall be conducted as to administer to the best interests of the whole people...."  Victoria Woodhull  
I refer everyone to the GREEN Platform it is the radical reform the American populous in rebellion is looking for and if elected will move forth with. You have to read the Platform to see how these two women are so much alike and their views although over 100 years apart the issues are still the same and it is time to change and only we as a people can make that change.  Our country is in dire need of a restructuring of our political system. There is a need to clean out Washington from the ground up. We need to put the laws back in play that protect the people from the corporate puppeteers. They cannot stand as long as we do. Bernie or Bust, Bernicrats, Dump the Dems, Democrats who left when Hillary was Nominated, the 3 million millennials who support the Green Party they are there we have the numbers and we can win. The Green Platform is not to different from what Bernie or Victoria Woodhull tried to do so many years ago. The timing could not be more perfect. When Bernie Sanders was forced to endorse Hillary, within 24 hours Jill Stein had received $84,000. Once we seen Bernie endorse her at the Democratic Convention to get Jill on the ballot in 9 states by August 1st, in each state we only needed five thousand signatures. Jill got 15 thousand signatures in a week in each of those states she went over the amount needed. Bernie Sanders saw something the establishment people did not see nor to be honest they were not even looking. They did not see people hurting and they did not hear their pain.
          There are people right here in Western, Penna. who have no running water in their homes and have not had running water since 2005. The reason is because of the fracking which Hillary has been selling all over the world and it has destroyed their wells beyond usage. They have written, called, created videos and begged for help from both parties and no one answered the call. In fact since 2010 until now Western Pa. has turned into an industrial contaminated wasteland. They have lost 13,000 jobs since 2010. And for the first time in 40 years our state went red for Trump during the primaries. My ex-husband just came back from North Carolina and he told me just like up here the wells down there are also contaminated, Ashville and Kinston, N.C., West Va., Mississippi and Arkansas their water is also contaminated. To give you an example of what is in the water, does anyone remember the movie Erin Brockavich? Do you remember the chemical that poisoned the water? When they frack they do not care that those chemicals go into the aquifers aka your ground water.
          It was chromium 3, the oil and gas people are not only putting chromium 3 into the fracking fluid they are using the whole family of chromium in addition to other very toxic, cancer causing chemicals into the Fracking fluid mixing with the water system. Those chemicals are so strong they ate through a truck driver’s steel boots, through his socks through his feet into his bloodstream. He cannot be told what the chemicals are doing to his body, because the status quo (the oil and gas companies) you are voting for made the doctors sign a non-disclosure agreement not to tell the him or the families that are affected. And the EPA they are useless. Our rights to clean and safe drinking water were stripped away by the republicans and the democrats. "On July 28, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 275 to 156 to approve the energy bill; on July 29, the US Senate voted 74 to 26 to approve it. And on August 8, 2005, President Bush signed the final bill into law." And they voted again in 2009 against us. (They voted that Americans had no right to clean water, no right to safe drinking water, no right to clean air, you have no right to liability or compensation when the oil and gas companies destroy your wells or the water system in your house and you do not have a right to the Superfund law.)
Jill Stein and Ajamu are saying to all those people and people all over this country whom the establishment turned a deaf ear too all these years, “We hear you, We see you and You matter.” The reason this election is so important is because for the first time the people in this country wanted to vote for someone other than the lesser of two evils. We the people wanted to take back this country because we want a government that actually works for the people who pay their salaries. We are not living in a democracy, this is the illusion of a democracy it is not the real thing. We have people all across this country who are hurting as a result of the status quo. And this is why a Third Party can win because we need radical changes and quantum leaps in education, healthcare, criminal justice reform, agricultural reform we need to overturn all those draconian laws and legislation the corporate puppets made against the people. After all these years Victoria's voice and Frederick Douglass are still speaking across the centuries!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Supreme Court Legally Re-instituted The New Slavery

On the 20th of June the Supreme Court took away everyone's 4th amendment right and those sacred cows should be removed from the bench. Personally, I felt something in the pit of my stomach that made me look at why is this happening at this time.  This is my gut feeling, something is about to happen in this country.  This is happening because these justices felt that Trump will be elected and go along with these injustices. They who would try to take people of color back to their place on the food chain.  Either they are making money from their investment in the private prison system or they have friends or relatives who have invested in this system either way their decision has taken us back to the 1800's and the Black Congressional Caucus is having at sit in over assault weapons, really!  The Supreme Court Justices have found a way to help keep the "Black Codes" alive and well.

 "Black Codes, according to Gloria J. Brown-Marshall,were criminal laws enacted by states to maintain the socio-racial hierarchy of slavery.  These laws were enacted" to make Negroes slaves in everything but name."  Slavery was abolished except for punishment for a crime.  In the words of political compromise found in the Thirteenth Amendment, "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."  This clause invoked freedom and revoked it simultaneously.  The legacy of the criminal component to the Thirteenth Amendment is evident in modern prison population.....As in slavery, Blacks were forced to produce documents, when requested by whites, to prove that they were viably employed or had a home or they were charged with vagrancy or trespassing and jailed. Unable to pay the fine, Blacks became prisoners of a convict labor system.  For many Blacks , the criminal justice system was simply a mechanism for enslavement.  "Jim Crow" laws and prejudice  meant Blacks were susceptible to imprisonment.  Black Codes subjected Blacks to harsher punishments and longer sentences for similar offenses."
    Fast forward to 2000,  According to Barry Yeoman, Corrections Corporation of America is trying to turn Youngstown, Ohio, into the private-prison capital of the world.   "Not Since Slavery has an entire American industry derived its profits exclusively from depriving human beings of their freedom—not, at least, until a handful of corporations and Wall Street investors realized they could make millions from what some critics call “dungeons for dollars.” Since the 1980s, when privatization became the rage for many government services, companies like CCA and its rival, Wackenhut Corporation, have been luring elected officials with a worry-free solution to prison overcrowding. Claiming they can lock people up cheaper than government can, the companies build cells on speculation, then peddle the beds to whatever local or state government needs a quick fix for its growing criminal population. “It’s a heady cocktail for politicians who are trying to show they’re tough on crime and fiscally conservative at the same time,” says Judith Greene, a senior justice fellow at the Open Society Institute, a foundation chaired by philanthropist George Soros."Over the past decade, private prisons have boomed. Corporations now control 122,900 beds for U.S. inmates, up at least eightfold since 1990. The reason is simple: With anti-drug laws and stiffer mandatory sentences pushing the prison population above two million, and governments strapped for capital to build new cells, for-profit prisons seem to offer plenty of cells at below-market prices. “If it could not be done cheaper than the government does it, then we wouldn’t be in business now,” says Brian Gardner, warden of the CCA prison in Youngstown. “We believe in giving the taxpayer the best deal.”   (Steel-Town Lockdown Barry Yeoman article May 1, 2000)

      We are here in 2016 where private prisons are complaining that they are not getting enough Black bodies and they are losing money and they had contracts to fill up beds to capacity.  They make $50,000. off of each inmate!  So what did the justices do circumvent the 4th Amendment and just flat out said you people of color have no constitutional rights, you are not real citizens of this country and we are going to have to put you in your place.  Justice  Sotomayor said "This case allows the police to stop you on the street, demand your identification, and check it for outstanding traffic warrants-even if you are doing nothing wrong.  If the officer discovers a warrant for a fine you forgot to pay, courts will now excuse his illegal stop and will admit into evidence anything he happens to find by searching you after arresting you on that warrant.  Because the Fourth Amendment should prohibit, not permit, such misconduct, I dissent.  In Section B,  Justice Sotomayor says, "Most striking about the Court's opinion is its insistence that the event here was "isolated," with no indication that this unlawful stop was part of any systemic or recurrent police misconduct," Ante, at 8-9.  Respectfully, nothing about this case is isolated".

 "Outstanding warrants are surprisingly common.  When a person with a traffic ticket misses a fine payment or court appearance, a court will issue a warrant. See, e.g. Brennan Center for Justice Debt 23 (2010), online at http

The Number One Reason Hillary Clinton Will Be Indicted Under the Espiona...

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Feds Order Colleges to Stop Checking Criminal/School Discipline History Because it Discriminates Against Minorities

Feds Order Colleges to Stop Checking Criminal/School Discipline History Because it Discriminates Against Minorities: The Obama administration has ordered the nation’s colleges and universities to stop asking applicants about criminal and school disciplinary history because it discriminates against minorities. Institutions are also being asked to offer those with criminal records special support services such as counseling, mentoring and legal aid once enrolled. The government’s official term for these perspectiveRead the full post

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Members of Wealthy Saudi Family Emerge as Clinton Foundation, Dem Donors

Members of Wealthy Saudi Family Emerge as Clinton Foundation, Dem Donors

Feel the Bern

Just Like Fire (From the Original Motion Picture "Alice Through The Look...

Fraud inside of Clinton Foundation now being investigated

Bernie Sanders supporter makes smug media eat shit over Hillary

Michael Moore "If Bernie Sanders Was The Candidate He's A Safer Choice T...

Bernie Sanders Wins Oregon Primary Election, Ties Hillary In Kentucky

Bernie Sanders Wins Oregon Primary Election, Ties Hillary In Kentucky

Clinton Delegate Turns Whistleblower and Reveals #NVDemConvention Fraud

Monday, May 16, 2016

Bernie Sanders Voters Will Never Support Joe Biden. Never.

Elizabeth Warren vs. Hillary Clinton (2004)

Democratic Convention Hosted By Republican Donors

Democratic Convention Hosted By Republican Donors: By Lee Fang and Zain Jilani for The Intercept - THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY’S 2012 platform pledged to “curb the influence of lobbyists and special interests.” But the 2016 convention in Philadelphia will...

Haiti Doesn't Have a Vodou Problem,It Has a Christianity Problem

Haiti Doesn't Have a Vodou Problem,
It Has a Christianity Problem
: Taking a page out of the Gospel of Pat Robertson, Chibly Langlois, Haiti’s first Roman Catholic cardinal revealed the 'big social problem' in Haiti: Vodou. He…
           I am a Spiritual Warrior and some questions were asked and the first one was "What Are You Birthing?  What new idea or hope filled vision is opening to my soul?  As I thought about those questions I looked at what is happening in my life as well as what is going on in my son's lives and friends.  I take care of my mother who has alzheimer's and that is challenging, see my mom used to be my best friend, my road partner she and my dad moved in with me 16 years ago and she has forgotten that.  We would go out to eat and try different foods, go to the movies every Friday, I mean every Friday.  She loved it and we had fun.  Now every morning without fail she wakes up and we come to me ask me am I taking her home.  I have her in an Adult Day Care and it keeps her busy during the day but when I pick her up and bring her back home, she argues with me about wanting to go home.  And that gets kind of sticky because she is operating out of 3 time zones.  When she starts fussing and says I want to go home I have children and a husband, she is in her 20's to early 30's and she is talking about Philadelphia, Pa.  When she starts yelling and says "I want to go home to my see my mother and father she is about 4 years old (because she left at the age to go and live with her Aunt Mat) and she is talking about Cheronton, La. When she is really irate and says, "I have to go home and see my mama and my grand" she is now a teenager and living in New Orleans.  So when she says I want to go home, I am quiet until I am clear as to where home is and who she has to go see.  In any case she thinks in her concept of time, her aunt and grand live around the corner even though we are here in Philadelphia.  She has a neurologist who is considered a specialist.  All of her doctors are within our area.  And it works.

                A few days ago I read that the Republicans are hosting the Democratic National Convention along with Anti-Obama Lobbyists. I thought this was interesting because you know I get so tired of bullshit especially when it comes to these two parties and to be quite frank I am so glad Trump and literally killed the Republican Party.  Kudo's to those people who helped him do it.  The same old guard Republicans are who are financing the Democratic Convention in June those moneybags spent big bucks on all the losers running against Trump.  Now Dems its your turn.   Those people were tired too, not all of them are racists, they are normal everyday people who are tired of their children going to war dying to protect some private firms oil, or the gold that is being stolen or protecting poppy fields responsible for the drugs that have found their way into white communities. Which now is an "epidemic" drugs been dumped in Afrikan American communities since the 1800's and never stopped.  NOW that's in white communities all over this country it has become an epidemic.  This is what happens when you allow it in one community and don't think it will happen in your community.  We walk around clueless as to what is happening to our neighbors or communities.  We are caught up in our own world and not seeing or feeling the pain of someone who could be right next door.  I was downtown a few weeks ago and stopped in this store and I had been there a few times before and the lady whose always at the cash register is always there and smiling and welcoming.  This day she wasn't there and when she came in she didn't look right.  By the time my order was ready and I walked over to her she still had not gotten together, so I asked her if she was okay?  She looked at me surprised and smiled while she got the system together and said thanks for asking, I will be okay.  What am I birthing? Revolution, Compassion, Caring, Discernment, Love, Belief in yourself and your decisions and creations.  We are living in a time that was expected eons ago, way back in time.  We are in a time where the decisions you make can have a compound effect on your life and those around you forever.  Every 4 years we are hoping when we elect someone we can trust they are going to do their job.  What is their job?  Their job is to run the country with the best interests of the people and that has not happened since the country's inception.  “ Woodrow Wilson said shortly before his inauguration as President in 1913, “The masters of the government of the United States are the combined capitalists and manufacturers of the United States.  It is written over every intimate page of the record of Congress, it is written all through the history of conferences at the White House, that the suggestions of economic policy have come from one source, not from many sources… The government of the United States at present is a foster child of the special interests.” Ovid Demaris, Dirty Business.
      We are living in a time of militarized police and military are coming into your homes and can burst into your home while your sleep with only probable cause.  WE are living in a time where you can get illegal drugs quicker than a job!  You can get any kind of drug faster than a job.  We are living in a time where the congressmen & women can tell us, the taxpayers  who pay them- $174,000, & $204,000. a year, tell us their employers to go to hell and shut up.  They feel they have the right to tell us 'You HAVE NO RIGHT TO KNOW WHAT IS IN YOUR FOOD!  YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO KNOW WHAT COUNTRY YOUR MEAT IS COMING FROM! SHUT UP OR WE WILL POISON YOU WITH OUR NEW VACCINES.   YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CLEAN AIR, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CLEAN WATER, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAFE DRINKING WATER AND IF YOU TRY TO SUE WE WILL SHOOT YOU AND KILL YOU. OUR POLICE CAN SHOOT UNARMED AFRIKAN AMERICANS, WE CAN KILL UNARMED AFRIKAN AMERICAN WOMEN IN OUR JAILS AND NOTHING WILL HAPPEN SO SHUT THE HELL UP.  YOU VOTED US IN SO SHUT UP.  WE CAN DUMB DOWN YOUR CHILDREN, CUT FUNDING FOR THEM AND SHUT THE SCHOOLS DOWN AND PUT THEM IN PRISON FOR 100 YEARS FOR NOTHING JUST BECAUSE WE CAN.   

       One of my clients said, "I can't believe Trump took Pennsylvania"!  I said, "I can."  Because of that vote. On July 28, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 275 to 156 to approve the energy bill; on July 29, the US Senate voted 74 to 26 to approve it. And on August 8, 2005, President Bush signed the final bill into law.  
Because of that vote the oil and gas companies came in lied to the people in Western, Pa. and literally took over their land and destroyed what used to look like a rustic countryside of trees, lakes and beautiful sunsets.  Now it's a contaminated industrial wasteland.  Where the people cannot be told by the doctors there (who signed non-disclosure agreements with the oil and gas companies) what is wrong with them.  A lot of those people have no running water in their homes, nada, nothing, no water to flush the toilets or brush their teeth.  And all is well in congress where they are worried about women's vagina, the money they have taken from every poor group who needs it.  Did you know that fracking enhances the chances of sink holes.  In Bethlehem, Pa.  a woman whose car was in her driveway, went out to walk her dog.  When she came back to a sink hole, her daughter's car was damn near in the ground and her house had a large crack up the side of the house.   She had to move out of her home for good because it was too dangerous for her to continue to live there.  The next day the Oil and Gas companies went to our state legislature and asked to be exempt from any damages to homes like sink holes and they voted to exempt them just like the ones in Washington.  Those companies can destroy your life and get off with no liability.  This is why people are upset because the establishment who are the corporations, pharmaceutical companies, agricultural industries who use genetically modified organisms in all of our foods that are killing everybody.  The big oil and gas companies who want to frack in your state, taking out 1-7 million gallons of water per well, there are 8-12 wells on 1 pad and you can have 4 or 5 or more pads on your land, add up how many gallons of water these sociopaths are taking out of the ground. There is a drought in California because of the fracking.  Here in Pennsylvania those oil & gas companies do not take their radio active wastes with them.  They leave it on the people's land and it doesn't matter if they have children who are exposed, its all about the money not the lives that are being destroyed for profit. And this is happening all over this country all nationalities are going through different kinds of hell and because we are separated and not talking to one another we don't know.  Now I personally don't know those people in Western, Pa. but when I saw that brownish water that the oil and gas companies said was safe to drink I felt compelled to pass their plight on to everyone who would listen and still do to this day.  I am doing the same thing with Flint Michigan, those children were deliberately poisoned and the mother who told is was murdered by the Flint government to shut down that lawsuit that is going on.  This is why Trump and Bernie are kicking but and taking names.

Why am I telling you about this?  Because here in Philadelphia a war is about to take place at the Democratic Convention between Bernie and Clinton supporters.  When the REAL WAR IS FOR YOUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN THEIR LIVES.  The Democrats are lost & turned out.  Debbie Wasserman Shultz met with the GOP and their lobbyists.  The GOP, Comcast and Anti-Obamacare lobbyists are going to be hosting the Democratic Convention.   All of those people hosting this convention are establishment and they are determined to keep things going the same way forever.  We do not live in a democracy.  This is not a democracy.  What is happening now is what we call a "Bate and Switch".  You think you are voting for Hillary but you are really voting for WALL STREET.  It was planned years ago.
Democracy died when the Constitution was written. We never really had Democracy we had the illusion of Democracy. "The delegates to the Constitutional Convention represented the right wing of the revolutionary movement and were, as Charles and Mary Beard noted, "practical men of affairs-holders of state and continental bonds, money lenders, merchants, lawyers and speculators in public lands." (like what we have now) They wanted a strong central government that would levy and collect taxes, regulate commerce, control the issue of currency, assume the financial obligations of the Confederation and the impairment of contracts. They were equally in agreement on the dangers of democracy and the necessity of preventing its flowering. The delegates said, James Madison wanted to secure the public good and private rights against the danger of such a faction". Just before then, in Massachusetts, where the hard money men controlled the courts and legislature, that very "faction," made up of impoverished Patriots-it was disquieting to recall how vicious and ugly they been as anti-tory mobs rose in revolt under Captain Daniel Shays, and kept the state in terror for five months before being dispersed by the militia in February 1787. "You talk of employing influence", Washington wrote to General Henry (Light Horse Harry) Lee, "to appease the present tumult in Massachusetts. I know not where the influence is to be found, or if attainable, that it would be a proper remedy for the disorders. Influence is no government. Let us have one by which our lives, liberties and properties will be secured or let us know the worst at once". The people wanted paper money, considered the "root of all evil" in Federalist economies and they wanted the Bill of Rights in the Constitution. Madison wrote that the "malcontents" were turning to the polls and if they could garner sufficient votes their "wicked measures" would be sheltered under the forms of the Constitution. Madison wanted constitutional safeguards for the Property Party: "In framing a system which we hope will last for ages, we must consider the changes age will produce." An increase in population would necessarily increase the proportion of those laboring under hardships of life and who "secretly sigh for more equal distribution of its blessings." These might eventually outnumber those who are "placed above the feelings of indigence...Symptoms of a leveling spirit.... have sufficiently appeared in a certain quarter to fie notice of the future danger". Source (Dirty Business, Ovid Demaris, The Prosperity Game, pp. 1-2). This shows that in the 1787 they were looking here into the future 2016 and that danger of Democracy they were trying to stop is here in 2016 in not only Nevada it is in every state Bernie Sanders is running in, they are going to be stealing votes with the machine and having their military there to make sure nothing gets in their way. In addition they are showing you what they will do to make sure there really is no democracy. You have been lied to all these years and this explains why they have been dumbing down their citizens. "Aaron Burr cut short Hamilton's career but not his broad scheme-the Jeffersonians took over his policies and passed them on to John Connally and Richard Nixon. His philosophy is a basic ingredient in American political tradition: the people are turbulent, ignorant, and poverty stricken. With the growth of wealth, inequality, and class antagonism must increase. (racism, and all isms). Therefore the stability of the social order and security of person and property could be maintained only by a strong government in the hands of the wealthy and intelligent. To these classes, government at all times should render financial aid for the sake of attaching them to the government by the strongest bond-interest on capital-thus increasing national wealth and maintaining employment of the people." This is what Bernie wants to do provide jobs here not overseas in a damn bullshit war created by rich people for money for rich people.  One more thing, Darren Hardy, author of "The Compound Effect" Said we need a new plan of action and he is right.  He said the future is what you make it.  Little, everyday decisions will either take you to the life you desire or to disaster by default.
In fact, it's the littlest decisions that shape our lives.  Stray off course by just two millimeters, and your trajectory changes; what seemed like a tiny, inconsequential decision then can become a mammoth miscalculation now.  What kind of candidate do you want?  One who is consistent and is not a liar or the other who mis speaks and has the worst judgement and who is so bought and paid for she will not be able to do anything.  She is not Bill Clinton and 2016 is totally different from 1996.  Bernie or the mammoth miscalculation- your choice.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Snowden, Assange and Manning statues unveiled in Berlin

Snowden, Assange and Manning statues unveiled in Berlin: Taking a stand in Berlin’s Alexanderplatz are whistleblowers Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. The life-size bronze statues were unveiled on Friday in front of members of the German Green Party as well as activists. All three figures are considered heroes on the political left for leaking US intelligence documents. The artist behind the work Italian sculptor Davide…

Violence erupts at NV Democratic convention amid tensions between Clinton and Sanders supporters

Violence erupts at NV Democratic convention amid tensions between Clinton and Sanders supporters

Monday, April 25, 2016

New Clinton Benghazi Documents

New Clinton Benghazi Documents: State Department Belatedly Releases New Hillary Clinton Benghazi Documents Obama Administration Immigration Crisis Puts Rule of Law and Public Health at Risk Bill Clinton and Benghazi – What Did He Know and When Did He Know It State Department Belatedly Releases New Hillary Clinton Benghazi Documents Another piece of the scandal surrounding Hillary Clinton and...

Hillary’s Email Troubles & Whitewater

Hillary’s Email Troubles & Whitewater: Hillary Clinton may or may not be indicted in the State Department emails scandal, but one thing is certain: she’s been to this dance before, facing possible criminal charges. Mrs. Clinton “may have been involved in a crime in 1986,” according to never-before-seen portions of an Office of Independent Counsel (OIC) memorandum in the Whitewater affair obtained by Judicial Watch.

Why Whitewater Matters

Why Whitewater Matters: Aficionados of complex financial crime will want a look at a new, never-before-seen document obtained by Judicial Watch. Last month, Judicial Watch released 246 pages of previously undisclosed Office of Independent Counsel (OIC) internal memos on criminal charges against Hillary Clinton in the Whitewater investigation. On February 9, this reporter provided more details on the...

Benghazi: What Did Bill Clinton Know & When Did He Know It?

Benghazi: What Did Bill Clinton Know & When Did He Know It?: New documents obtained by Judicial Watch raise questions about the role of Clinton Inc. in the Benghazi debacle, particularly the involvement of Bill Clinton and longtime Clinton hatchet man Sidney Blumenthal. Mrs. Clinton, seeking to ease concerns about her ties to the Clintons’ powerful political machine, famously pledged as secretary of state-designate not to “participate...

The Clinton Shell Game

The Clinton Shell Game: “For the duration of my appointment as Secretary if I am confirmed, I will not participate personally and substantially in any particular matter involving specific parties in which The William J. Clinton Foundation (or the Clinton Global Initiative) is a party or represents a party….” —Secretary of State-designate Hillary Clinton in a letter to State Department...

Friday, March 18, 2016

Some Vet Groups Still Waiting for Trump Foundation Checks

Some Vet Groups Still Waiting for Trump Foundation Checks: How much money has Donald Trump donated to the veterans? That seemingly simple question has anything but a simple answer. When Trump held his January 28 fundraiser for the vets after backing out of the Republican debate in Iowa, his campaign wasn’t shy about sharing the good news: Trump had helped raise more than $6 million, including $1 million of his own money, for an undeclared number of veterans' organizations over the course of one hour.
But weeks later, following Trump's second-place finish in the Iowa caucuses and his victory in the New Hampshire primary, and just days before he's set to win in South Carolina, it sure is difficult to figure out how much of that $6 million has been disbursed to groups, and to whom. Some veterans' organizations are just starting to receive their checks, others are still waiting, and nobody involved seems to know what to expect next.