A few days ago I read that the Republicans are hosting the Democratic National Convention along with Anti-Obama Lobbyists. I thought this was interesting because you know I get so tired of bullshit especially when it comes to these two parties and to be quite frank I am so glad Trump and literally killed the Republican Party. Kudo's to those people who helped him do it. The same old guard Republicans are who are financing the Democratic Convention in June those moneybags spent big bucks on all the losers running against Trump. Now Dems its your turn. Those people were tired too, not all of them are racists, they are normal everyday people who are tired of their children going to war dying to protect some private firms oil, or the gold that is being stolen or protecting poppy fields responsible for the drugs that have found their way into white communities. Which now is an "epidemic" drugs been dumped in Afrikan American communities since the 1800's and never stopped. NOW that's in white communities all over this country it has become an epidemic. This is what happens when you allow it in one community and don't think it will happen in your community. We walk around clueless as to what is happening to our neighbors or communities. We are caught up in our own world and not seeing or feeling the pain of someone who could be right next door. I was downtown a few weeks ago and stopped in this store and I had been there a few times before and the lady whose always at the cash register is always there and smiling and welcoming. This day she wasn't there and when she came in she didn't look right. By the time my order was ready and I walked over to her she still had not gotten together, so I asked her if she was okay? She looked at me surprised and smiled while she got the system together and said thanks for asking, I will be okay. What am I birthing? Revolution, Compassion, Caring, Discernment, Love, Belief in yourself and your decisions and creations. We are living in a time that was expected eons ago, way back in time. We are in a time where the decisions you make can have a compound effect on your life and those around you forever. Every 4 years we are hoping when we elect someone we can trust they are going to do their job. What is their job? Their job is to run the country with the best interests of the people and that has not happened since the country's inception. “ Woodrow Wilson said shortly before his inauguration as President in 1913, “The masters of the government of the United States are the combined capitalists and manufacturers of the United States. It is written over every intimate page of the record of Congress, it is written all through the history of conferences at the White House, that the suggestions of economic policy have come from one source, not from many sources… The government of the United States at present is a foster child of the special interests.” Ovid Demaris, Dirty Business.
We are living in a time of militarized police and military are coming into your homes and can burst into your home while your sleep with only probable cause. WE are living in a time where you can get illegal drugs quicker than a job! You can get any kind of drug faster than a job. We are living in a time where the congressmen & women can tell us, the taxpayers who pay them- $174,000, & $204,000. a year, tell us their employers to go to hell and shut up. They feel they have the right to tell us 'You HAVE NO RIGHT TO KNOW WHAT IS IN YOUR FOOD! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO KNOW WHAT COUNTRY YOUR MEAT IS COMING FROM! SHUT UP OR WE WILL POISON YOU WITH OUR NEW VACCINES. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CLEAN AIR, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CLEAN WATER, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAFE DRINKING WATER AND IF YOU TRY TO SUE WE WILL SHOOT YOU AND KILL YOU. OUR POLICE CAN SHOOT UNARMED AFRIKAN AMERICANS, WE CAN KILL UNARMED AFRIKAN AMERICAN WOMEN IN OUR JAILS AND NOTHING WILL HAPPEN SO SHUT THE HELL UP. YOU VOTED US IN SO SHUT UP. WE CAN DUMB DOWN YOUR CHILDREN, CUT FUNDING FOR THEM AND SHUT THE SCHOOLS DOWN AND PUT THEM IN PRISON FOR 100 YEARS FOR NOTHING JUST BECAUSE WE CAN.
One of my clients said, "I can't believe Trump took Pennsylvania"! I said, "I can." Because of that vote. On July 28, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 275 to 156
to approve the energy bill; on July 29, the US Senate voted 74 to 26 to
approve it. And on August 8, 2005, President Bush signed the final bill into
Because of that vote the oil and gas companies came in lied to the people in Western, Pa. and literally took over their land and destroyed what used to look like a rustic countryside of trees, lakes and beautiful sunsets. Now it's a contaminated industrial wasteland. Where the people cannot be told by the doctors there (who signed non-disclosure agreements with the oil and gas companies) what is wrong with them. A lot of those people have no running water in their homes, nada, nothing, no water to flush the toilets or brush their teeth. And all is well in congress where they are worried about women's vagina, the money they have taken from every poor group who needs it. Did you know that fracking enhances the chances of sink holes. In Bethlehem, Pa. a woman whose car was in her driveway, went out to walk her dog. When she came back to a sink hole, her daughter's car was damn near in the ground and her house had a large crack up the side of the house. She had to move out of her home for good because it was too dangerous for her to continue to live there. The next day the Oil and Gas companies went to our state legislature and asked to be exempt from any damages to homes like sink holes and they voted to exempt them just like the ones in Washington. Those companies can destroy your life and get off with no liability. This is why people are upset because the establishment who are the corporations, pharmaceutical companies, agricultural industries who use genetically modified organisms in all of our foods that are killing everybody. The big oil and gas companies who want to frack in your state, taking out 1-7 million gallons of water per well, there are 8-12 wells on 1 pad and you can have 4 or 5 or more pads on your land, add up how many gallons of water these sociopaths are taking out of the ground. There is a drought in California because of the fracking. Here in Pennsylvania those oil & gas companies do not take their radio active wastes with them. They leave it on the people's land and it doesn't matter if they have children who are exposed, its all about the money not the lives that are being destroyed for profit. And this is happening all over this country all nationalities are going through different kinds of hell and because we are separated and not talking to one another we don't know. Now I personally don't know those people in Western, Pa. but when I saw that brownish water that the oil and gas companies said was safe to drink I felt compelled to pass their plight on to everyone who would listen and still do to this day. I am doing the same thing with Flint Michigan, those children were deliberately poisoned and the mother who told is was murdered by the Flint government to shut down that lawsuit that is going on. This is why Trump and Bernie are kicking but and taking names.
Why am I telling you about this? Because here in Philadelphia a war is about to take place at the Democratic Convention between Bernie and Clinton supporters. When the REAL WAR IS FOR YOUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN THEIR LIVES. The Democrats are lost & turned out. Debbie Wasserman Shultz met with the GOP and their lobbyists. The GOP, Comcast and Anti-Obamacare lobbyists are going to be hosting the Democratic Convention. All of those people hosting this convention are establishment and they are determined to keep things going the same way forever. We do not live in a democracy. This is not a democracy. What is happening now is what we call a "Bate and Switch". You think you are voting for Hillary but you are really voting for WALL STREET. It was planned years ago.
Democracy died when the Constitution was written. We never
really had Democracy we had the illusion of Democracy. "The delegates to
the Constitutional Convention represented the right wing of the revolutionary
movement and were, as Charles and Mary Beard noted, "practical men of
affairs-holders of state and continental bonds, money lenders, merchants,
lawyers and speculators in public lands." (like what we have now) They
wanted a strong central government that would levy and collect taxes, regulate
commerce, control the issue of currency, assume the financial obligations of
the Confederation and the impairment of contracts. They were equally in
agreement on the dangers of democracy and the necessity of preventing its flowering.
The delegates said, James Madison wanted to secure the public good and private
rights against the danger of such a faction". Just before then, in
Massachusetts, where the hard money men controlled the courts and legislature,
that very "faction," made up of impoverished Patriots-it was
disquieting to recall how vicious and ugly they been as anti-tory mobs rose in
revolt under Captain Daniel Shays, and kept the state in terror for five months
before being dispersed by the militia in February 1787. "You talk of
employing influence", Washington wrote to General Henry (Light Horse
Harry) Lee, "to appease the present tumult in Massachusetts. I know not
where the influence is to be found, or if attainable, that it would be a proper
remedy for the disorders. Influence is no government. Let us have one by which
our lives, liberties and properties will be secured or let us know the worst at
once". The people wanted paper money, considered the "root of all
evil" in Federalist economies and they wanted the Bill of Rights in the
Constitution. Madison wrote that the "malcontents" were turning to
the polls and if they could garner sufficient votes their "wicked
measures" would be sheltered under the forms of the Constitution. Madison
wanted constitutional safeguards for the Property Party: "In framing a
system which we hope will last for ages, we must consider the changes age will
produce." An increase in population would necessarily increase the
proportion of those laboring under hardships of life and who "secretly sigh
for more equal distribution of its blessings." These might eventually
outnumber those who are "placed above the feelings of indigence...Symptoms
of a leveling spirit.... have sufficiently appeared in a certain quarter to fie
notice of the future danger". Source (Dirty Business, Ovid Demaris, The
Prosperity Game, pp. 1-2). This shows that in the 1787 they were looking here
into the future 2016 and that danger of Democracy they were trying to stop is
here in 2016 in not only Nevada it is in every state Bernie Sanders is running
in, they are going to be stealing votes with the machine and having their
military there to make sure nothing gets in their way. In addition they are
showing you what they will do to make sure there really is no democracy. You
have been lied to all these years and this explains why they have been dumbing
down their citizens. "Aaron Burr cut short Hamilton's career but not his
broad scheme-the Jeffersonians took over his policies and passed them on to
John Connally and Richard Nixon. His philosophy is a basic ingredient in
American political tradition: the people are turbulent, ignorant, and poverty
stricken. With the growth of wealth, inequality, and class antagonism must
increase. (racism, and all isms). Therefore the stability of the social order
and security of person and property could be maintained only by a strong
government in the hands of the wealthy and intelligent. To these classes,
government at all times should render financial aid for the sake of attaching
them to the government by the strongest bond-interest on capital-thus
increasing national wealth and maintaining employment of the people." This
is what Bernie wants to do provide jobs here not overseas in a damn bullshit
war created by rich people for money for rich people. One more thing, Darren Hardy, author of "The Compound Effect" Said we need a new plan of action and he is right. He said the future is what you make it. Little, everyday decisions will either take you to the life you desire or to disaster by default.In fact, it's the littlest decisions that shape our lives. Stray off course by just two millimeters, and your trajectory changes; what seemed like a tiny, inconsequential decision then can become a mammoth miscalculation now. What kind of candidate do you want? One who is consistent and is not a liar or the other who mis speaks and has the worst judgement and who is so bought and paid for she will not be able to do anything. She is not Bill Clinton and 2016 is totally different from 1996. Bernie or the mammoth miscalculation- your choice.
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